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matthias kaiser ceramics
bowl with tenmoku glaze

bowl with tenmoku glaze

Ø 27cm

a medium sized bowl made from unrefined stoneware clay.
this clay is simply dug from the deposit and used as is.
it contains everything erosion has put in it, stones, grains of
quartz and ferreous sand that make a natural decoration
without my aid.
it is also rather short, meaning that it has a high silica content.
this property gives the trimmed areas a rough appearance and
texture and so betrays the making process, a welcome effect.
my tenmoku glaze contains feldspar, ferreous sand, china clay,
reed ash, wood ash and iron ore and is fired to between
1280° and 1300°C in reduction.
itīs almost black and breaks into rust on the rim,
like itīs supposed to.
this bowl works well as a salad, fruit or serving bowl